The Immigrant Whisperer Podcast episodes

Welcome Home!

I'm Dr. Janet Awokoya (aka Dr. J), a Nigerian-American and The Immigrant Whisperer. Throughout my career, I've dedicated myself to understanding the journeys of immigrants building new lives in unfamiliar territories. As a fellow immigrant, I'm deeply fascinated by the complexities of this experience.

This season on The Immigrant Whisperer Podcast, we'll embark on a journey alongside young African immigrants, specifically Nigerian immigrants, navigating life in the United States. We'll explore the concept of the "African Diaspora" and immigrant generations, focusing specifically on the experiences of first-generation, 1.5, and second-generation Nigerians.

Together, we'll delve into the complexities of building a new life within a vibrant yet unfamiliar culture. Join us as we unpack the triumphs and challenges faced by Black immigrants in the US education system. Through powerful stories, we'll reveal the struggles and successes of forging an identity within America and finding a sense of belonging. This is a space for shared experiences, open conversations, and celebrating the unwavering resilience of the immigrant spirit.

So, whether you're an immigrant yourself, or simply curious about the immigrant experience, join me on this journey of discovery. Let's become better listeners, gain new perspectives, and celebrate the beautiful tapestry woven by those who choose to call a new place home.


Dr. J, The Immigrant Whisperer

The Immigrant Whisperer Podcast episodes

Episode 1: Navigating New Worlds: The Educational Experiences of African Immigrant Youth in the US

Dr. Awokoya kicks off our podcast by reading from her dissertation, focusing on the challenges and triumphs of Black immigrants in the US educational system. This episode explores themes of identity, belonging, and resilience.

Awokoya, J. (2009). “I’m Not Enough of Anything!”: The Racial and Ethnic Identity Constructions and Negotiations of One-point-five and Second Generation Nigerians [Dissertation]. University of Maryland, College Park.   

Episode 2: Between Worlds: Identity and Belonging for Black Immigrants (Lit Review)

Join Dr. Awokoya as we continue our exploration of the experiences of 1.5 and second-generation Nigerian immigrants in the United States. In this episode, we'll delve deeper into the literature review from Dr. Awokoya's dissertation, examining how these young people develop their racial and ethnic identities. Discover how education plays a crucial role in empowering them to overcome adversity and shape their place in American society.

Episode 3: Unraveling the Fabric of Identity: A Research Methodology for Understanding African Immigrant Youth

Learn about Dr. Awokoya's research methods used to understand the identity struggles of 1.5 and second-generation Nigerian college students. The episode highlights the importance of creating supportive environments for these young adults.

Episode 4: Contextual Crossroads: Identity Formation among African Immigrant Youth in Family, Peer Groups, and Schools

This episode explores the various influences that shape the identities of African immigrant youth. We examine the roles of family expectations, peer groups, school environments, and broader societal factors.

Episode 5: Navigating the Crossroads of Identity: How African Immigrant Youth Reconcile Conflicting Constructions of Blackness

African immigrant youth encounter different messages about race from their families, peers, and American society.This episode explores how they navigate these complexities to form their own understanding of Blackness.

Episode 6: "You Don't Look African": The Challenges of Constructing and Managing an Authentic Nigerian Identity

This episode explores the challenges faced by African immigrant youth in maintaining their Nigerian identity while navigating perceptions from both non-Africans and Africans. It also discusses the complexities of racial identity formation in the US.

Episode 7: Fostering Resilience, Identity, and Belonging for One-Point-Five and Second Generation Nigerian Students

The episode shares findings from Dr. Awokoya's dissertation on how Nigerian immigrant youth navigate identity and belonging in US schools. It offers insights and recommendations for policymakers, educators, and others to better support these students.